- Roselle School District 12
- Need Support?
- Food Insecurity and Housing Resources
Food Pantry
Roselle United Methodist Church Food Pantry
Saturdays 9:30-11:30 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
The Roselle UMC Community Food Pantry is located within Roselle United Methodist Church, 206 South Rush Street, Roselle, IL 60172. They provide canned and fresh vegetables, fresh bread and quality meat. For more information contact Vicki Johnson, 630-529-1309, ext. 5 or vicki.johnson@roselleumcpantry.org.
Housing Assistance
For information on Housing Assistance Programs contact DuPage County Community Services at 630-407-6500 or 1-800-942-9412 or email housing@dupageco.org.
If you are in need of food, clothing, housing assistance or utility bill assistance please contact DuPage County Community Services.
Please contact DuPage PADS or call 630-682-3846 option 1 for a housing evaluation.
The McKinney-Vento Act provides rights and services to children and youth experiencing homelessness. If you feel you may qualify for McKinney Vento services please contact your building principal.