- Roselle School District 12
- Superintendent

A Message from the Superintendent
August, 2023
Dear Families and Community Members of Roselle School District 12,
While the calendar reflects that a new year begins on January 1, in the world of education, August represents the beginning of a new year. With that comes the excitement and anticipation of great things to come. That feeling of hope and renewal remains the same for me as I enter my twenty-sixth year in education.
If you are new to District 12, welcome! If you are returning, welcome back! Roselle School District 12 is a community of truly special students, supported by a dedicated staff and parents who believe in our school district and public education.
Our work in District 12 is grounded in the belief statements that guide our decisions:
All students are OUR students
Everyone in D12 must learn and grow
School must be a safe space for everyone where we prioritize relationships and connections
All students deserve to be prepared for limitless opportunities
Decisions are made based on the needs of students
These beliefs are evident in how we allocate resources, plan professional learning for staff, and in the ways we support our students.
I encourage you to become involved with your child’s education and your local public school district. Our monthly board meetings are live-streamed so that you may view them from the comfort of your own home. Our District PTO has monthly meetings and a wide variety of ways in which you may become involved.
We look forward to welcoming back our staff on Monday, August 14th, and our students on Wednesday, August 16th. As parents, you may expect regular communication from your child’s teacher(s), your building principal, and me. I hope that you, like me, find many reasons to be #ProudToBeD12.
Dr. Mary Henderson, Superintendent